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Submit a Guest Post

Submit a Guest Post: Guidelines for Oxylus Digital

Want to contribute an article? Looking for a place to share your knowledge? Would you like to showcase your blogs on Oxylus Digital?

Great! We appreciate your interest in writing for Oxylus Digital.

Oxylus Digital accepts Technology, Marketing, Hosting, Web, and Software-related guest articles. Before you submit a guest post at Oxylus Digital, Please go through the guidelines.

What we’re looking for?

Here are a few of the categories that we accept articles from.

  • Digital Marketing – Trends, Case Studies, Campaigns, Courses.
  • SEO – SEO Tools, Algorithm Updates, Techniques, Case Studies.
  • SEM – Search Engine Marketing, PPC and Advertising Technics.
  • Social Media Marketing and Optimization
  • Content Marketing
  • Email marketing
  • WordPress Themes & Plugins Tutorials
  • Technology News
  • Apps, Software and Gadget Tutorial & Reviews
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Releases & New Launch Announcements
  • Domain and Web Hosting
  • Web Design & Development Tutorials

We also welcome submissions of featured articles, trending news, case studies, interviews, and opinion pieces.

Ready to Start Writing?

We provide our community with high quality and valuable content. Here are some fundamental guidelines to submit guest posts.

Originality: Articles submitted to must not have been previously published or submitted to any other publisher.

Article Length & Quality: The average length of articles should be a minimum of 800 words and should cover the topic in detail.

Content Structure: There should be an introduction Paragraph and Conclusion Paragraph. Use headings, subheadings, and bulleted lists if required.

Be Natural: Articles must not be commercial, sponsored, or overly promotional content. We will not publish any guest posts that contain self-promotional content.

Copyright and Credit: Make sure that your post does not violate any copyright laws. We won’t accept the articles which you copied from another person and submitting it as your own. Please give appropriate credits to images if required.

Formatting: We prefer Microsoft Word document. Please do not send PDF files.

Author Bio: Have an author bio at the end of the article with your company or Product link.

What We Won’t Publish

  • Content with Affiliate links.
  • Anything that sounds Promotional.
  • Content that has been already published on your blog or elsewhere. 
  • Articles made just for spammy link building.
  • Articles with many grammatical errors.

Oxylus Digital Editors Right

  • Editors have the right to edit and update articles. [Optimizing content for SEO, Add focus keyphrase, Editing Image Size]
  • Editors have the right to reject contributed articles. Once it is rejected we won’t use the content.
  • Oxylus Digital Team has the right to add internal links.
  • We may or may not allow links within the articles. (based on the quality of content and purpose)

Ready to Submit a Guest Post?

If you’re ready to write for us, Submit your blog post to editor@oxylusdigital.comWe’re always glad to publish your guest posts. Thanks again for your interest in guest posting. We appreciate your interest in writing for Oxylus Digital.

Looking for a platform to share your success story? We also Feature Digital Marketing & e-Commerce Success Stories!

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